Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Ghost Wolves Progress

Well, as a guild we have over 170 active members. By this I mean watching over last 72 hours on a daily basis. On average we are seeing between 20-30 members online during any point in time. Lowest I have seen so far is 6 during the wee hours of the morning. We are 50% the way to Guild Renown 3. 2 of our members recently hit level 80. We are running beginner dungeons at level on about twice a week schedule. All runs are strictly guild events.

The Guild City now has it's Tier 2 Armorsmith and we are now working towards the Tier 2 Weaponsmith.

Tier 2 Armorsmith up!
 This is a quick update as I have been pretty busy running the guild. I also have been raising a Guard Tank for fun. Anyways, hope your Holidays were wonderful!


  1. those are very solid numbers when it comes to guild members. Keep reaching for that rainbow :D

  2. Thanks Slith, it is a bit of work keeping it up but its slowly workin up. I had to clear some of our initial numbers out as I think they were F2P, tried the game a month ago and then left. That's normal turnover. I would say my serious core membership that works hard to contribute remains around 20. There are a lot of members that are out there to level and just enjoy the game. That's ok it still brings in renown for us.
